Thursday, March 7, 2013

Low Carb Burger

I have a friend that's on a low carb diet, and we decided to make burgers.. This is slightly challenging since potatoes, corn, rice, any wheat flour is off limits.. I actually got a tip from another blogger (fashion blogger) about this pizza dough/burger bun you can make with eggs and cream cheese. Thank you Heidi!

3 eggs
80grams (3oz) cream cheese
1/2tsp vinegar (etikka)
1/2tsp dijon mustard

Turn the oven to 150C. Start by separating the egg yolks from the whites. Mix in one bowl egg yolks, cream cheese, mustard, salt, pepper. Use a bamix/electric whisk so the mixture becomes smooth. Add oregano to taste

Add the vinegar to your egg whites, and whipp them hard in glass bowl. When you can turn the entire bowl with whipped egg whites upside down (and nothing falls out) The egg whites are ready.
Carefully mix the whipped egg whites with the yolks, use a spatula (don't break the texture). It won't mix perfectly and can look marble like.

Put baking sheet on a tin, pour the mixture in six circles on a baking sheet.
Put in the oven for about 20-30mins. When the "buns" turn brown on top take the tin out and let it cool down for about 5-10min before trying to remove them from the baking sheet.
I can honestly say these were very tasty! And they do hold together, you can eat your burger with hands. Try it and love it!

BBQ Patties
400grams of ground beef
1 egg
 1/2 tsp mustard
1tbs of Tony Cachere creole seasoning

Mix everything together and make patties with your hands. Because there are no breadcrumbs in this recipe the most important thing when making the patties is to have heat under your pan! Make sure your pan is hot before you put your patties there. Otherwise they will start to give away liquid.

We filled our burgers with salad, pickles, mayo, cheddar... Whatever you feel like works!
As another tip, sweet potatoes has seriously a lot less carbs than potatoes. So make sweet potatoe fries (Recipe under my pulled beef burger post).

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